Thursday, February 13, 2020

A Little Gothic Revival

I found this little Gothic Revival slot-and-tab construction dollhouse at Goodwill in February for $10 in an obvious state of pre-loved. As I examined it later, I suspected there were some elements missing from it, so I did a quick search of the company I suspect produced it, Greenleaf. Unfortunately, there isn't a photo gallery of discontinued houses accessible to the general public - you have to create an account and log onto their discussion boards to find it - so I have no idea if this is one of theirs or not. The closest house Greenleaf makes currently that matches this is the Buttercup. As far as I can tell, none of the current Greenleaf houses have basements or the illusion of a basement, as you can see from the front of the house where there are two basement windows. 

My first steps are to shore up the front porch. I can't find a picture of the house for construction purposes, so I have no idea if the porch is missing a support pillar or not, but the right-hand side of the roof took some damage, and something broke off the porch railings.