Wednesday, May 22, 2013

those happy little places

applying for a more permanent job of any kind has been less than... successful. "You have a wonderful skill set, but you're just not what we're looking for at this time..." It would probably help if I showed up in person and smiled. But I've been occupied chasing down things I shouldn't have had to be chasing down.

The best piece of advice I've had through all of this incessant waiting is to maintain some sort of schedule, so on Thursdays, even if I don't have anything to work on, I go quilt. I know, quilting without actually quilting... just go with it. Last week the Graces helped me baste a top, which is to say for those of you who don't quilt, we stitched the top, stuffing and back together with big stitches to keep everything from shifting for while I work on the smaller, pretty stitching.

We're not really sure how old this top is, but we're placing it somewhere in the 1960's -70's [ish?] It's an 81 x 92 inches Attic Windows, which will fit on top of a Queen size bed. My Uncle asked me to quilt it; it was done by his mother. And that is all I know about that. That and it's going to take a while, because it's a monster. And I'm super grateful for their help, because there's no way I would have gotten this basted by myself. 

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